Although relatively quiet in terms of any specific regulatory activities, the last 6 months have seen a plethora of publications that are associated with the ICH M7 guideline. Prominent within these was the Special Edition of Organic Process Research & Development in November 2015. This special edition focused on mutagenic impurities, examining the challenges and also opportunities faced when seeking to implement ICH M7.(5) This was timely as it aligned with the effective date for ICH M7 of January 2016; the guideline when finalized in June 2014 having a defined implementation phase of 18 months. ICH M7 is, in general, a well-written guideline that provides a flexible and pragmatic framework by which the risk posed by mutagenic impurities can be effectively managed. The flexibility provided by the guideline and the opportunities this presents in terms of science and risk based thinking are examined in depth through a…
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